Adding the readers with API allows you to automate the reader management process.

Ensure that your Document360 project is linked with the Postman application. For detailed steps on linking your Document360 project with Postman, visit this article.

Steps involved

  1. Get the team account id with which you want to invite the reader
  2. Add the reader

1. Get the team account id with which you want to invite the reader

Follow the below steps to get the desired team account id.

  1. Under v2, expand Teams and click Get all team accounts
  2. Click Send. This action will display all the team accounts in the project. You can find the team account id next to the user_id property
  3. Copy the desired team account id and paste it into a notepad or preferred space

2. Add the reader


  1. Under v2, expand Readers and click Add a new reader → Body
  2. Type in the desired details for the respective properties:
  "email_id": "<enter-email-id-of-the-reader>",
  "invited_by": "<Paste-the-team-account-id-copied-in-the-Step-1.3>",
  "first_name": "<First-name-of-the-reader>",
  "last_name": "<Last-name-of-the-reader>",
  "access_scope": {
    "access_level": 3
  "is_sso_user": false,
  "skip_sso_invitation_email": false

Replace the properties mentioned between <>.

For more information about the properties, refer Add reader article.
3. Click Send
4. The desired reader will be added to the project. You can verify this with the 200 OK status and success property value as true