Document360 API uses token-based authentication. In order to communicate with the Document360 API, you will need a valid API token. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you generate a new token.

If you already have an API token ready, then you can skip this article.

Generating a new token

  1. Log into the knowledge base portal.

  2. Navigate to Settings → Knowledge base portal → API tokens.

  3. The API tokens overview page appears with the list of the already generated tokens (if any).

  4. Click on the "New API token" button.

  5. Enter the token name, select the Allowed method(s) (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) you want to allow for the token, and click on the Generate button.

  6. The generated token appears in the list below.

  7. Click on the copy button to copy the token to the clipboard.


Awesome! You have successfully generated an API token.

All you have to do now is learn how to pass this token with every request.

Check out the tutorial video below: