Creating new articles is one of the actions you would often do in Document360. Creating and publishing an article with API allows you to automate the authoring process.

Basic requirements for creating an article

To create an article, you need the below values:

  • Project version id
  • Category id
  • User id

Get Project version id


  1. Under Document360 Customer API, expand v2 → Project Versions
  2. Click Gets list of project versions → Send
    This action will display all the versions available in the project
  3. Copy the desired project version id available next to the 'id' parameter and paste it into notepad or a preferred space

Get Category id


  1. Under Project Versions, expand {project Version Id} and click Get the list of categories within project version
  2. In the Params tab, you can find the Path Variables section
  3. In the 'Value' field of projectVersionId, paste the project version id copied in step 3 and click Send
    This action will display all the categories in the desired version
  4. Copy the desired category id available next to the 'id' parameter and paste it into notepad or a preferred space

Get User id

3_Screenshot-Gets_list_of_team accounts

  1. Under v2, expand Teams and click Get all team accounts → Send
    This action will display all the team accounts in the project.
  2. Copy the desired user id available next to the 'id' parameter and paste it into notepad or a preferred space

Creating an article


  1. Under v2, expand Articles and click Adds an article to an existing category
  2. Navigate to the Body tab in the main window
  3. You can find the below parameters:
    • category_id - Paste the desired category id
    • project_version_id - Paste the desired project version id
    • title - Add the desired article title
    • user_id - Paste the desired user id
    • content - Add the desired article content
    • order - Specify the desired position of the article in the category. Enter the previous number of the desired position

      For example, If you want the new article to appear as the first in the category, enter the order parameter value as 0.
      If you wish for the new article to appear as the fifth article in the category, enter the order parameter value as 4.

  4. Click Send
  5. The new article is created successfully. You can verify this with the 200 OK status and success parameter value as true
  6. Copy the article id available next to the 'id' parameter and paste it into notepad or a preferred space

Publishing an article

To publish an article, you need the following values:

  • Article id
  • User id

Follow the below steps to publish an article:

  1. Under v2, expand Articles → {article Id} and click Publishes an article with an id
  2. In the Params tab, you can find the Path variables section
  3. In the 'Value' field of articleId, paste the desired article id
  4. Navigate to the Body tab in the main window
  5. You can find the below parameters:
    • user_id - Paste the desired user id
    • version_number - Add the desired article version number
    • publish_message - Add the desired publish message for the article
  6. Click Send
  7. The desired article is published successfully. You can verify this with the 200 OK status and success parameter value as true