Enter REST API key. To generate a key, go to Settings → Knowledge base portal → API tokens
The ID of the category
Version number of the category to be deleted
Language code of the category
The category version has been successfully deleted.
"extension_data": null,
"success": true,
"errors": null,
"warnings": [],
"information": []
Status indication for customer API response
Errors in the customer API response
Stack trace for error response message
Description for error cause
Error code for Api response
Warnings in the customer API response
Warning description
warning code for customer Api base response
Information passed by the customer API response
status description for customer Api response information
Bad Request
Kindly verify the Categotry Id and Langauage code, then peroform the task again.
"extension_data": null,
"success": true,
"errors": [
"extension_data": null,
"stack_trace": null,
"description": "Invalid CategoryId",
"error_code": "400",
"custom_data": null
"warnings": [],
"information": []
Kindly verify the version and Langauage code, then peroform the task again.
"extension_data": null,
"success": true,
"errors": [
"extension_data": null,
"stack_trace": null,
"description": "Last Version cannot be deleted",
"error_code": "400",
"custom_data": null
"warnings": [],
"information": []
Kindly verify the version number and Langauage code, then peroform the task again.
"extension_data": null,
"success": true,
"errors": [
"extension_data": null,
"stack_trace": null,
"description": "Invalid Category Version",
"error_code": "400",
"custom_data": null
"warnings": [],
"information": []
Status indication for customer API response
Errors in the customer API response
Stack trace for error response message
Description for error cause
Error code for Api response
Warnings in the customer API response
Warning description
warning code for customer Api base response
Information passed by the customer API response
status description for customer Api response information